Social Justice at Redeemer

  • Justice & Equity Statements

    Our statements are guided by our connections to one another, our faith teachings and commitments of justice and peace. They are meant to help us in our responses, discernment and thoughtful engagements with current social issues as we participate in God’s work in the world.

  • ELCA Faith & Society

    “Faithful participation in society is integral and vital to the mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.” - Social Statement Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective

    Below in a link to our large church denominations statements, teaching, resources and guides about social statements and messages on various social issues.

  • Ethnic Specific and Multicultural Ministries

    The Ethnic Specific and Multicultural Ministries team assists the ELCA in becoming more culturally diverse and anti-racist by working with ELCA congregations, synods, communities, agencies and institutions.

    Redeemer is actively participating with the African Descent (African American, Afro Caribbean, African National), American Indian and Alaskan Native, Latino and European Descent Lutherans for Racial Justice Ministries.

    Let us know how we can connect you with these groups and their leaders at Redeemer, locally or nationally.

​In May of 2018 a collaborative partnership of ELCA congregations Redeemer, Grace Northeast, Westwood, Edina Community, and St. Michael's Lutheran Churches, along with Reconciling Works, presented PROPHETIC: Amplifying Queer & Colorful Voices.

From Friday May 18th to Sunday May 20th, the cohort hosted three main events featuring renowned queer Christian singer-songwriter & activist Jennifer Knapp and queer leaders of color from the Twin Cities area to explore through art & community what it means for Redeemer to live faithfully and fully at the intersections of Racial and LGBTQIA+ justice and equity.

A special thanks to our phenomenal line-up of queer and black artists and leaders who lent their voices and experience to make this weekend so powerful: Jennifer Knapp, Nikole Mitchell, Taylor Seaberg, Austen Hartke, Rev. Jen Nagel, Zed Jensen, Katherine Parent, Soul Beautiful, and Jibreel Khumas.